
Real-time reports

Real-time reports

View sales reports, visitor details and on-site attendee flow real-time on your display. All visitor data is GDPR compliant and available for additional marketing activities or sending information to participants after the event.

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Inviton - a new platform for event organization where you can manage everything by yourself. Try it :-)

The basic features and services we provide

  • New event in 15 minutes
  • Graphic
  • Sell ​​tickets online
  • Dynamic registration forms
  • Real-time reports
  • Discount codes
  • Email invitations
  • Guest list app for event
  • Access control
  • On-site ticket sales
  • On-site print
  • Visitor management
  • Mobile apps
  • Visitor check-in
  • Audience interaction
  • Inviton Scheduler

Inviton is a self-service online event management platform, where you can set up everything by yourself . Only the ticket fee or additional services are charged. You can also purchase the entire platform as a standalone license where you pay no ticketing or other fees.

More info Create event

New event in 15 minutes

New event in 15 minutes Event management and ticket sales can be easier than ever before. Creating your own event, setting your ticket price and launching sales takes just a few minutes . You can test everything for free by clicking on the create event button.

Sell ​​tickets online

Sell ​​tickets online We support various sales methods. You can sell tickets online directly via your own website using the iframe / API / Wordpress plugin. You can also publish the event on our events page. You can specify different ticket types at different price levels.

Dynamic registration forms

Dynamic registration forms Create various, dynamic, value-driven registration forms (if the field value is yes, another field will be displayed and if the value is no, the field will not appear, etc.) using our simple and intuitive registration form configurator. This is how you get all the necessary information from your participants.

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Inviton s.r.o.
Nové Záhrady I, č.11,
821 05 Bratislava
Slovak republic