
Jazzinfection Trio v Radnici

Tickets for Jazzinfection Trio v Radnici.

Jazzinfection Trio consists of: Sisa Michalidesová (composer and flutist), Robert Vizvári (bass guitar), Pavol Bereza (guitar)

As musicians, they represent an unusually rare combination of different colours of music on the jazz scene. Sisi Michalides' compositions, interpretive and improvisational dynamics and the virtuoso performances of Vizvári and Bereza offer the listener-viewer a powerful experience. The sense of harmonisation and interpretation of different musical influences and styles - primarily jazz but also inspired by elements of world music, traditional folklore (both local and world) to theatrical imagination - is a kind of essence of this trio. 

The meeting of these three musicians is not accidental. It was preceded by multiple collaborations in recording sessions, which the musicians have completed in larger or smaller, national and international jazz line-ups. In addition, they have performed together at concerts and festivals at home and abroad. Human and musician (s)knowledge, mutual creation in dia(tri)logo and musical experience brought them together. In a small cast, a big idea was born, to provocatively, alternatively bring range - a flourish in the colours of musical instruments to the scene. One can sense here the fascinating depths of the bass guitar, the acoustic originality and technical and performance maturity of the guitar instrumentation, to the contrastingly velvety cantilena of the transverse flute, through the bright playfulness and invention of the recorder. 

Jazzinfection Trio performs original compositions by Sisa Michalides - these are prosaic stories put into musical language, bringing to the ear the revelation of a higher musical wisdom. The freedom and joy of creation, with the authentic experience of improvisation in the jazz sense, is a powerful narrative value that the trio conveys to listeners.

We look forward to seeing you at vás❤️

Reserve your seats, numbers are limited. Reservations by phone. 033/641 4009 or email radnica@radnica.com.

Admission is voluntary (recommended €10).

Jazzinfection Trio v Radnici

Radnica - café & wine bar, Pezinok

M. R. Štefánika 1, 902 01 Pezinok, Slovakia

Event promoter

For any questions regarding the event - tickets, organization, location, or anything else please contact the event promoter.

Kamet, s. r. o.
M. R. Štefánika 1, 90201 Pezinok, Slovakia

Company ID: 31428690
Tax ID: 2020362146
VAT ID: SK2020362146