
ESPA Congress

Vstupenky na ESPA Congress.


100 years jubilee of the Slovak and Czech Republic's Spa Association (21. September) 

Czechslovakia /Czech and Slovak spas 100 years of successful activity of the Spa Associations - history, inspiration, perspectives, new goals

The role of natural medicinal sources (medicinal water and peloids, climatic conditions suitable for treatment) – legislation, protection, research, quality, balneotherapy in modern medicine


Roundtable discussion about perspectives of medical spa programs in European health systems and economic consideration of health tourism

LongCovid-Treatment in Europeanspas, spa medicine-new offers for health oriented travellers and new generation of patient

Innovation to reduce the energy cost in spa resorts, Introduction of medical results from the Europeanspas members

Day Trip to Spa Luhačovice (23. September)

11:15 a.m. - arrival to the Children's Hospital Vitkov

11:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. - tour of selected facilities of Luhačovice Spa, a.s.

transfer to the Miramoni Children's Spa - a balneotherapy facility awarded with the ESPA Innovation Awards

arrival to the Vincentka Hall (tasting of the most famous Luhačovice spring), reconstructed colonnade, hotel Jurkovič house (short tour of the interior - golden spa)

transfer to Alexandria Hotel (tour of the wellness centre)

1:15 a.m. - 2:45 p.m - lunch - will be served in the restaurant of Alexandria Hotel 

ESPA Congress

Kúpiť vstupenky
Spoločenské centrum, Piešťany

Kúpeľný ostrov 4445/13, 921 01 Piešťany-Kúpeľný ostrov, Slovensko

Organizátor podujatia

V prípade akýchkoľvek otázok ohľadom podujatia - vstupeniek, organizácie, lokality, prosíme kontaktujte organizátora podujatia.

Winterova 29, 92129 Piešťany, Slovensko

IČO: 34144790
DIČ: 2020389668
IČ DPH: SK2020389668