Vstupenky na SEO Zraz.
Don’t miss out the biggest SEO event in CEE! Save the date – February 10, 2020.
2nd ‘SEO zraz’ in Slovakia is the unique possibility for you to meet SEO enthusiasts from CEE region at the greatest SEO conference far and wide. Come, learn & network with SEO specialists from Slovakia, Czech republic, Austria, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Philippines and Russia.
For more information see our web: seo.zraz.sk
SEO Zraz
25, Námestie SNP 484, 811 01 Bratislava-Staré Mesto, Slovakia
V prípade akýchkoľvek otázok ohľadom podujatia - vstupeniek, organizácie, lokality, prosíme kontaktujte organizátora podujatia.
Basta digital s.r.o.
Námestie SNP 30, 81101 Bratislava, Slovensko
IČO: 36650960
DIČ: 2022212401
IČ DPH: SK2022212401